Sustainability in focus

At Obeck, environmental protection is not just a slogan, but an intregal part of our corporate philosophy. We are firmly convinced that climate-conscious and sustainable production is essential. That’s why we actively integrate environmental concerns into all our business decisions and production processes.

Energy Management System

Our energy management system enables us to optimise our energy consumption and identify potential savings. Annual audits allow us to identify weaknesses and recognise opportunities for improvement.

The certification of our energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001 in 2024 is another milestone on our path to maximising energy efficiency.


LED lights

We only use energy-saving LED lights in our company building and are gradually renewing our machinery with energy-efficient models.

Our photovoltaic system, which covers a large part of our roof surfaces, already enables us to generate and utilise around 5% of our own “green” electricity.


To minimise our water consumption, we use collected and stored rainwater for adiabatic cooling of our chillers. In addition, the waste heat from our machines is effectively utilised to heat our office space.

OBECK and water use. Environmental topics


The responsible use of resources is another focus of our environmental commitment. Our closures are made from PP material that we can reuse ourselves in a closed-loop process.

For PET production waste that we are not allowed to reuse ourselves due to legal restrictions, we have commissioned a specialist recycling company to ensure compliant disposal and reprocessing.