Legal Notice

Steinräum 10,
96524 Föritztal

Telefonphone: (+49) 36 75 / 42 70 6 – 0
Telefax: (+49) 36 75 / 42 70 6 – 27


Managing Directors: Andreas Obeck, Reinhard Obeck
Registration Court: Administrative Court Jena
Entry number: HRB 306847
Turnover Tax ID in accordance with § 27a of the German law on turnover tax: DE 814 462 387

Although the information on this site was compiled with the greatest possible care, no liability whatsoever can be accepted for the content or its accuracy. Copyright ©2011 OBECK VERPACKUNGEN GmbH.

All rights reserved

This information on this website is constantly being extended and updated. Every effort is made to provide comprehensive and accurate information on this website. Given the large quantity of data and the frequent updates, we cannot however assume any liability or give any quarantees regarding the topicality, accuracy and completeness of the information provided on this website. That applies in particular to all direct links to external sites on this website. We are not responsible for the content of external sites reached through such a link.

Legal notice regarding the hyperlinks on our site:

With its rulings of 12 May 1998, the Hamburg Regional Court held that anyone including a link may also share liability for the content of the linked page. According to the ruling, this can only be prevented by expressly distancing oneself from that content. Various parts of this homepage include links to other online sites. The following applies to all those links: We wish to expressly declare that we have absolutely no influence over the design and content of the sites linked to this homepage and do not appropriate their content. This declaration applies to all links included in our homepage. The authors of this site bear no responsibility for how the provided information is utilised.

As a content provider for our own content on this website, we are responsible in accordance with the general laws and regulations. This own content is to be differentiated form cross-references to other content provided on third-party websites. By cross-referencing, we thus provide éxternal content´for use which is identified as follows: We are only responsible for such third-party content if we have express knowledge of that content (i.e. also knowledge of unlawful or criminal content) and if it is technically possible and reasonable for us to prevent use thereof (§5 Sec 2 of the German media services law (TDG)).

Links are, however, always “living” references. When initially providing the link, the third-party content was checked whether it triggered any civil or criminal liability.

According to the media services law (TDG), we are not obliged to constantly review linked content for changes wihich might re-constitute liability. Only if we ourselves determine, or our attention is drawn by others to the fact, that specific content to which we have provided a link triggers any responsibility under civil or criminal law, then I shall immediately disconnect the link to that content, provided that is technically and ressonably possible. Whether this is technically feasible and reasonable is not affected by the fact that access to the unlawful or criminal content is still possible from other servers after the removal from my homepage.


We accept no liability whatsoever for faulty tips, programs, HTML codes or scripts nor for any subsequent damage or data loss.