Toolshop, mould production by OBECK Verpackungen, Föritztal, Germany.

Our in-house toolhouse

Since 2007, we have been bringing all product development-related competencies together in-house, from design to toolmaking. Most of the moulds for our products are developed and manufactured in-house. Between uses, our tools are maintained, cleaned and, if necessary, repaired.

To protect these important production components, our tools are always stored in a fireproof area.

Our independent way of working without external suppliers means that innovations stay within the company and do not spread to the competition.

Toolshop started up in 2007 by Andreas and Reinhard Obeck, Föritztal, Germany.

Customer-oriented concepts, implemented internally

Together with our customers, we develop tailor-made packaging solutions that meet their requirements 100 percent. Thanks to the 3D CAD/CAM software we use, ideas take shape quickly and the concept quickly becomes precise designs and patterns.

We also use our customers’ feedback to develop innovative packaging solutions and continually improve existing products.

Toolshop, mould production by OBECK Verpackungen, Föritztal, Germany.
Toolshop staff work in progress of moulds for PET packaging machines, Föritztal, Germany.

Precise tool construction and reliable, instant maintenance

Our dedicated team of qualified professionals forms the heart of this department. Your know-how and commitment are crucial for the production of high-quality packaging.

All of our tools are state-of-the-art and mostly manufactured in-house using advanced CNC-controlled milling and lathe machines.

The physical proximity and short communication channels between all departments enable seamless collaboration. This contributes significantly to ensuring an efficient and reliable production process.