The contents of a CSV file containing the cap data should be given here. The file should have headers to describe the content in that column. The following headers are expected: type of closure, neck finish, finish, logo, inliner, articlenumber, colour. Anything else will be ignored. For example:

Type of closure,Neck finish,Finish,Logo,Inliner,Articlenumber,Colour
Screw,38SP400,smooth,"Embossed, debossed, print, none",None,10.38.01,"white, black, silver, gold, SIM, GOM"
Screw,38SP400,smooth,"Embossed, debossed, print, none",IHS,10.38.04,"white, black, silver, gold, SIM, GOM"
Screw,38SP400,smooth,"Embossed, debossed, print, none",PS,10.38.03,"white, black, silver, gold, SIM, GOM"